Grass fed & grass finished in a drought...?
Producing pasture raised, grass fed & grass finished meats in the good years is an art form but doing so in a drought brings on a whole new set of challenges! But, it is times of stress like these that push your boundaries and grow you as a business and a person! The fact that the world is dealing with COVID, inflation, shortages, down markets and all the other things that make life tough …just throw an 8 month drought in the mix and a farmers life gets tough! The good thing is that we have faith in our program but mostly we have faith in our Lord so it all seems doable when we keep our focus on the right things and our trust in the right places!
We are dedicated to continuing to produce some of the best meats in the business so that you can put the best meat on your families table. Check out this video as I explain how we grow the green grass that is needed to keep our consistency 365 days a year when others don’t. Thanks for supporting us!
Buck Creek Meats YouTube Channel premier!
The last several years have seen the pasture raised, grass fed & grass finished market place change immensely! More and more farms are entering the marketplace (which is good) but there are also players like “processing plants” and “marketing companies” that don’t own an animal and simply purchase the meat from sellers who aren’t farmers or ranchers either! This is a problem…
What is Grass Finishing and why it is important!
Grass Finishing ….What is it and how it differs from Grass Fed. Don’t be fooled by the big box chains like CostCo, Wal-Mart or grocery stores …Their meat is NOT “finished”, and this is a big deal! They also generally don’t age their meat and we do (14-21 days). So, by not finishing nor aging their meat is an inferior product and will not eat and taste like you expect it to… not to mention that they get their grass fed meat from Australia like Butcher Box does. These companies in many cases are flat being dishonest while others are simply ignorant. They know their meat is not local and yet many lead you on that they work with local farmers …maybe they use to but some like Butcher Box state right on their web page that it comes from Australia (“We source the majority of our beef from Australia, where they've built an entire system on certifying pasture-raised meat.”) They also have no idea what Grass-Finishing means… as I stated in the video the animal must gain a minimum of 1.7 pounds per day to be “technically” finished …this is straight from the BB website (We guarantee that ButcherBox Beef is 100% grass-fed and grass-finished. That means our cattle are free to range on grassy pastures throughout their entire lives, suckling from their mothers for the first 6 to 9 months, then eating their natural diet of grass.). Finishing does NOT mean that the animal finished its life on grass just prior to slaughter but instead that it gained in excess of the 1.7 pounds per day. I’m not saying that they are lying but are simply marketing companies who have not learned the basics of farming and animal husbandry ….how in the world can they be expected to deliver you a quality product as advertised. Buy from a farmer you can know and get real answers from… buy from
Why Real Grass-Fed Beef Costs More
Why Grass-Fed and Grass-Finished Beef is Better
Buck Creek Lamb: 4 Reasons to Buy Grass Fed Lamb from Us
Sheep are a ruminant animal meaning that they have more than one stomach like cattle and goats. This also means that they ferment the feed that they eat in one of their stomachs to extract the nutrients they need, this also means that the bacteria in their stomach is very important and if you read the last series on beef you know that to keep the bacteria balanced.